MEETING THIS WEEK ::: Racism in the US

Wednesday, April 4, 7pm
Location: Rodeo Room, 2nd Floor University Center, UH - Main Campus

Racism in the US:
The racist murders of Trayvon Martin and Shaima Alawadi have sparked a national groundswell of protest and points to the potential for building an anti-racist movement. Join us as we discuss racism in the US and what we can do to fight it right here in Houston. In preparation please read some of the following articles.

Background on the cases:
Bringing the battle to Sanford
Honoring Shaima Alawadi

More general articles on the racist nature of these murders and the US justice system:
The racism that connects these murders
When racism is the law

If you have time and interest to dig even deeper, this is a longer article from the International Socialist Review on the historical roots of racism:
Slavery and the Origins of Racism

NOTE: We will continue our discussion of Communists In Harlem During the Depression next week with chapters 3 - 6. You can order the book online from Haymarket Books or come to the meeting and buy a copy from us at this week's meeting.

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